Can Smoking Affect DUI Results?

All across the world, there are approximately one billion people who smoke. Many of these people will partake in alcohol consumption at the same time they indulge in their smoking habit. As more and more studies are published every year showing the different results that Breathalyzers will have on different individuals, it’s natural to think that smoking will impact DUI testing outcomes. Our Texas DUI lawyers are well-versed in how smoking is only one factor of many that can impact a Breathalyzer test.

How Does Smoking Impact Breathalyzer Tests?

One way that smoking can affect DUI results is through the stomach, specifically the means by which your stomach removes its gastric acids. When blood alcohol levels are evaluated between smokers and non-smokers who have both consumed the same amount of alcohol, the BAC level was drastically lowered during the period that the smoking population was smoking. This could mean that someone could have an inaccurate reading when their BAC levels are actually much higher than what’s being shown. However, Breathalyzer inaccuracies don’t stop there with smokers; the test can also show a false elevation of BAC levels.

Why Can Smoking Show Higher BAC Levels?

Since a Breathalyzer will measure the methyl molecules in your body, that means that it cannot distinguish between acetaldehyde and alcohol. Acetaldehyde is found in the lungs of every human, and the amount varies naturally from person to person. Multiple studies have shown that the levels of this molecule can be found at much higher concentrations in the lungs of smokers. This means that smokers can expect to also have higher scores on Breathalyzer tests when they should have scored far lower.

Hire the Best DUI Lawyers in Texas to Represent Your Case

If you’re a person who’s a smoker and believes that your smoking habit could have impacted your Breathalyzer results, don’t wait until it’s too late to address your concerns. Our team of experienced DUI lawyers will know how to properly challenge the results of your DUI evaluation and get you the justice that you deserve! Call or email us today to learn more about how we can help you exercise your rights and maintain your freedom.
