Criminal Defense

Assault Crimes 
& Other Violent Crimes

Texas Assault Defense Attorney

Violent offense charges and violence-related charges can carry huge ramifications on someone's life.  A conviction of such crimes can massive fines and jail/prison sentences that could permanently affect someone's future and potentially impossible to ever life a normal life again. 

If you are charged with such an offense(s), the consequences and complexity will vary depending on the severity of the harm sustained by the victim (e.g., whether a weapon ws involved, accused's relationship to the victim, criminal history background, etc.) will play important factors as well.

    1. Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another, including the person's spouse; or

    2. Intentionally or knowingly threatens another with imminent bodily injury, including the person's spouse; or

    3. Intentionally or knowingly causes physical contact with another when the person knew; or should have reasonably believed that the other will regard the contact as offensive or provocative

    • Class C Misdemeanor Assault: When a person threatens harm but no injury occurs or makes physical contact in a provocative or offensive manner

    • Class B Misdemeanor Assault: When the assault occurs in the context of sports when a non-participant of a sport assaults a participant (e.g., player, coach, sports official, referee) during the sporting event, or in retaliation for the participant's performance.

    • Class A Misdemeanor Assault: When the assault is against an elderly or disabled person - regardless if physical harm was involved or against any person if physical harm is present

    • Third-Degree Felony Assault: When the assaulted person is a public servant, security officer, emergency services personnel, or government official or contractor.

    • Second-Degree Felony Assault: When the assaulted person is an on-duty peace officer or Judge. 

Find out how we can fight your criminal charges. Call (713) 257-8889 or click the button below to arrange a free consultation.

Aggravated Assault

In some cases, the alleged actions are serious enough to warrant a much more serious charge than simple assault.  Aggravated Assault is essentially simple assault that also causes "serious bodily injury" to another person, including a spouse; or it can be committed while using or exhibiting a "deadly weapon" during the commission of the assault.

"Serious Bodily Injury" is defined as bodily injury that creates a substantial risk of death or that causes death, serious permanent disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ

"Deadly Weapon" can be a firearm (loaded or unloaded), vehicle, knife, baseball bat, hammer, glass bottle, hammer, and many more.  For determination of whether an object or thing is a "deadly weapon," under the law of Texas, is whether the object or thing in question had the capacity to cause death or serious bodily injury.

Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon is a second-degree felony, which may result in confinement in a Texas Department of Criminal Justice - Institutional Division for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 20 years along with a fine up to $10,000.

  • An aggravated assault is a second-degree felony except in the following circumstances in which it is a first-degree felony:
    • The offender uses a deadly weapon in committing the assault and causes serious bodily injury to the victim and the victim is a family or household member, or someone the offender is or has dated or had an intimate relationship with, qualifying the offense as a domestic assault

    • The aggravated assault is committed by a public servant, such as a state worker or city counselor acting in his official capacity

    • The victim is a person the offender knows to be a public servant engaged in the performance of his duties or the assault is committed in retaliation for the public servant performing his duties

    • The aggravated assault is committed in retaliation against a witness, informant or a person who reported a crime

    • The victim is a person the offender knows to be a security officer engaged in performing his duties, or

    • The offender shoots a firearm from a motor vehicle at a house, building or motor vehicle with reckless disregard for whether the house, building or motor vehicle is occupied and causes serious bodily injury to the victim

Experienced DWI
Defense Lawyer

If you have a case and want an attorney who will instill fear in the prosecution and DA, call or message Chris today!