DWI Dismissal

Summary: The client works in IT and needed a dismissal for this case because his DACA status was up for renewal.  The client was found passed out in his vehicle, in the driver seat, in a moving lane of traffic (on the ON-RAMP about to enter the Katy Freeway). The client admitted that “[he] drank too much” and failed all 3 field sobriety tests. He consented to a blood draw and came back as a 0.13. Because of the severity of the facts and his immigration status, the state did not want to dismiss and we had to take the case to trial.  On the night before trial, Chris was able to point out to the DA the “operation” and “driving” issues with the case.  The night before the trial the DA decided to do the right thing and dismiss the case.  The client is happy and able to renew his DACA status without this case negatively affecting him.  DWI DISMISSED!!!