Future Dismissal

Summary: The client was parked in the wrong driveway down the street from his house (maybe too intoxicated to realize). The owner of the residence called and the client was ultimately arrested for DWI and Possession of a Dangerous Drug for having muscle relaxers that he was not prescribed on his person and in his vehicle. The client had a blood result of 0.129 plus muscle relaxers in his system as well. While the client was on bond and the two cases were pending, the client got arrested again for DWI and Felony Evading in a motor vehicle. His blood score this time was 0.20 (2 ½ times the legal limit). Chris was able to point out the insufficiencies in the way the blood was tested, put together mitigation factors to the prosecutor on why this would affect him personally and on his job, and lastly found personnel files on the arresting officer for improper conduct in the officer’s past. Coupling everything together, Chris was able to convince the prosecutor to dismiss both DWI cases and the Felony Evading case in exchange for a plea to deferred probation on the possession of a dangerous drug case. Ultimately, if the probation is successfully completed, that case will be dismissed as well. Chris was able to give the client a second chance with the opportunity to have all 4 cases dismissed!