What to Do After a DWI in Texas

The aftermath of a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) charge in Texas is emotionally trying. The legal ramifications of a DWI charge are significant and require immediate and informed action to protect your rights and future.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps you need to take following a DWI charge in Texas, emphasizing the importance of seeking expert legal assistance from a quality DWI defense attorney, like those at Denuna Law.

What to Do After a DWI in Texas

Understanding Your DWI Charge in Texas

A DWI charge in Texas is more than just a traffic violation; it's a serious criminal offense. Texas law defines DWI as operating a motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated. Intoxication can be due to alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both. Understanding the specifics of your charge is crucial in developing an effective defense strategy.

Immediate Actions Post-DWI Charge

1) Stay Calm and Cooperate: After being charged, it's important to remain calm and cooperate with law enforcement officers. Remember, anything you say can be used against you in court. Staying composed also allows you to better recall and document the details of your encounter, which can be invaluable in your defense. Cooperation doesn't mean incriminating yourself; it means being respectful and mindful of your rights, including the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.

2) Document the Incident: As soon as possible, write down everything you remember about the incident, including the events leading up to your arrest and the arrest itself. Documenting the incident while your memory is fresh can help uncover any inconsistencies or errors in the procedure that could be beneficial for your defense. This might include the behavior of law enforcement, the conditions under which field sobriety tests were administered, and any statements made during the arrest.

3) Notify Your Employer: If your job requires driving or if you have a commercial driver's license, inform your employer as there may be immediate implications. This is particularly crucial in industries where maintaining a clean driving record is essential for employment. Being upfront with your employer can also help in negotiating potential adjustments to your work responsibilities while your case is pending.

4) Understanding Employment Implications: DWI charges can lead to license suspension, which might affect your ability to commute or perform your job duties, especially in roles that require driving. Understanding your employment rights and discussing the situation with your employer or HR department can help in finding a solution that minimizes the impact on your career while you deal with the legal process.

Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Hearing

In Texas, a DWI charge triggers an Administrative License Revocation (ALR) process. You have 15 days from the date of arrest to request an ALR hearing. Failing to do so will result in an automatic suspension of your driver's license. An attorney can represent you at the ALR hearing and argue for the retention of your driving privileges.

Developing a Defense Strategy

Every DWI case is unique, and a skilled attorney such as Chris Denuna will examine the specifics of your case, including the arrest procedure, the field sobriety tests, and the breathalyzer or blood test results, to identify any potential defense strategies.

Long-Term Impacts

A DWI conviction in Texas can have long-term impacts on your life, including affecting your employment opportunities, insurance rates, and even your reputation. Therefore, it's essential to take these charges seriously and seek competent legal representation.

Experienced DWI
Defense Lawyer

If you have a case and want an attorney who will instill fear in the prosecution and DA, call or message Chris today!